From: (LARDINOIS LAURENT) -Height, weight, age, location, name. My acronym is Type One My real name is Laurent Lardinois I am 20 years, 1m 70, 65 kg with brown hair and blue eyes. I have beard and headache in winter and just my hair in summer. I live in Brussels, capital of Belgium, Europe. I'm studying Computer Science in the ULB (Free University Brussels) and i am now in 1st licence (3rd years). I enjoy the life, i speak loudly, i study hardly. I'm interesting in Technology and Natural Sciences. -Place you would like to live. I'm very well here.... so i'll stay :-) !!!! -Favorite Movie/TV show, book, game, demo, music, meal. my favorite movie : Terminator II TV show : "Plus ou moins net / Snuls" book : Gaston Lagaffe game : Dune II demo : Crystal Dream II music : Techno meal : peper crisps, and of course our national Belgian chips! -First computer owned. I bought my first computer in february 1987.... a nice Atari 520 ST with 512ko RAM, 360ko 3.5 inches drive with ROM TOS 1.0 !!!!!! Then i moved to an Atari 1040 STE 2meg in febrary 1990. I bought a PC 286 20mhz 2meg, 40 meg HD, SVGA 512ko in september 1991 for my future studies. When I saw that the PC demo scene was growing up, i decided to buy a 486 DX 33 mother board and a SB 2.0 in summer 1992. Now, i've got a 486 DX 40 VLB + Cirrus 5424 + SB 2.0 + Modem 14400 + HD 250 meg + HD 40 meg (the same ...) Soon I will buy a GUS 1meg and a tape streamer ...... -If you could have three wishes what would you wish for. - get more free time - get a girlfriend - finish those fuckin'studies -How you discovered demos. I discovered them, one day in 1989 when a friend came at home with some disks. That's the day i saw the Cuddly Demos (ST) done by fuckin' good coders (TCB) Then I saw some good screens on the Amiga (VectorBalls/ RSI) .... I begun collecting and coding demos , first on ST, then on PC. -Group name, list of members. Group name : The FLamoots (TFL) members : Type One (coder) Sam (coder) Green Kawa (sysop) Fred (musician) -What do you like/dislike about the demo scene. I enjoy people who discover some new effects or technical improvements. There are quite good coders and musicians on the PC Scene but the GFX suxxx. There should be more illustrations in demos (like on Amiga/Atari), more GFX improvements inside of 3D (studio) invasion. I'm boring of multiparts demos, i want more interactivity...... my wish is to see (or code) a Main menu system in a PC demo !!!!!! (like on ST) That's hours of fun !!!!! believe me !!!! There should be more contacts between the different demos scenes (PC/Atari/Amiga/Acorn/C64 ...). ( The contacts between PC/Amiga and Atari/Amiga are OK but it seems to be nothing between PC/Atari !!!!) -What is your opinion of the US. Too big :-) -What do you think of people in the US (i.e. stereotypes). fat, burgers eaters, TV intoxicated, can't walk without their baseball pens, don't know what is soccer ...... but nice girls anyway :-) !!!!!!! -Career plans. Get the 1st computer job i'll find (with my grade), make some money and then work in game development or Virtual Reality Research .... -Biggest disappointment in your life. When i crashed my ST SCSI drive, only 1 week after buying it ! -Good advice for others to heed. Keep cool in all circumstances !!!! BE FLAMOOT !!!!!! ASM rulez !!!! -Tell us something we should know. I hate serious men .... -What two people today would you like to meet. White Shadow (Renaissance) : becoz it's the only PC guy, and from the USA, i know who is Atari ST fan ..... (I've heard that he's a TCB fan) Leinad (Avalanche) : i really like his tune Jesus is born, Teaspoon, and his nice gfx for Asm 93 :-) -What do you hope to accomplish in the demo scene. I hope to finish the demo i'am working on !!!! I'm working on a little multiparts-tro in cooperation with Morflame/TDV (3D coder). I just want to show my point of view of coding ..... I'm also preparing a kukoo3 intro. All the sources of my parts will be freely distributed ! You'll find them in exclusivity on Pleasure Access BBS and -How long does it take you to compose a tune. It depends of the theme, between 3 days and 3 months .... :-) (i'm not musician ......) -What tracker do you use to compose music. I first used my good old Protracker on STE, but for now i use FastTracker -Demo plans. As i said, i'm working on some screens and i hope to finish them before the academic beginning....... -Do you think most demo groups are too serious. Yeah, sure !!!!!!! There is a lack of crasy people !!!!!!! -Personal life--what else do you do for fun. During the academic year, we sample our lovely teachers and then make some crual tunes ..... yerk yerk (Fred is Sound engineer and has a good material at home : DAT recorder, Akai sampler, Giga mix table, 8 tracks, lotsa synths, .....). We do also our own stupid MIDI tunes :-) ...... When we've got free time, we go to the center of the city to drink some beers, sing in the streets and move in discothec (we've got our own style for dancing ! :-) ) ||| --| /-\ \___\-/ Flamoot at the disco ! ----> //| ---\ \ | \\ \--| ---- \ | \ | ----| -- -What does the future hold for you. beuh ??? - study, + fun !!!!! -Where do you see the demo scene in the next 10 years. In Belgium of course, on PReP (PowerPC) computers !!!!!! :-) -What do you feel is missing from the demo scene. Not enough girls on computers :-( !!!!! -Will Virtual Reality ever catch on. Technically, that's good !!! (good games, simulators , .....:-) ) Psychologicaly, that's shit !!! (electronic sex, virtual meeting , ..... :-( ) -How can we contact you. Just write me at: or Laurent Lardinois 271 chaussee de Saint Job, boite 7 1180 Bruxelles Belgium or leave mail to Type One on Pleasure Access BBS : +32-2-3461996